Being a good boss: the art of managerial communications

William Woods Business

A recent Gallup report, The State of the American Manager: Analytics and Advice for Leaders revealed that managerial communication could have a considerable impact on employee productivity.

The study examined the characteristics that make a great manager and how such qualities impact overall employee engagement and ultimately business success. Engaged employees — which Gallup defines as “those who are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work” — perform better. And according to the study, consistent communication between a manager and an employee contributes to higher engagement level.

However, it’s not just the consistency of communication that matters; quality plays a role too. The Gallup study also revealed that “Employees value communication from their manager not just about their roles and responsibilities, but also about what happens in their lives outside of work.” Such conversations can make managers appear more invested in employees’ lives, which can positively influence employee engagement.

But just how important is the managerial communication when it comes to employee performance? According to the study, “managers account for up to 70 percent of variance in employee engagement.” And while not all of it may be attributed to communication, one’s general impression of a manager is typically influenced by previous communicative interactions.

At William Woods University, students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Management as well as other business degrees can take a course in Managerial Communications – BMT321. This course will train students on how to communicate effectively both within and outside of an organization. Some of the topics covered in the course include critiquing, analyzing, creating, and designing managerial communications. The knowledge acquired during this class will be used to design a communication plan for a Fortune 500 company as a final project.

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